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T-Levels For Employers

What Are T-Levels?

T-Levels are new two-year, technical study programmes that will initially be available across 24 pathways in 11 industry routes. They are delivered in a classroom based environment with 20% of the time spent on an industry placement working in employer settings.

Designed with leading businesses, T Levels have been developed to give students the skills set employers need for the future.

T Level placements offer a pipeline of fresh talent for entry-level jobs, from an untapped skills pool.

Industry placements are mandatory and an essential part of each T Level. They give students a valuable opportunity to put their learning into practice, develop their technical skills and provide the best possible chance for entering skilled employment.

The longer duration of these placements mean students have enough time to master the essentials, and employers can mould and foster the student’s technical abilities so they are job ready, and be better placed to make decisions on the career pathway they pursue.

T Level students will spend a minimum of 315 hours over 45-50 days with employers in a role directly relevant to their course.

Why choose BSix Sixth Form College?

We have excellent relationships with leading London employers, providing young people with valuable experience on their industry placements.

Our placements give opportunities for local young people from all segments of society access to the workplace. In supporting a young person through us you’ll demonstrate your commitment to diversity. Recruiting from our diverse communities will help you develop a diverse talent pipeline, enabling you to understand and serve your customers better.

By supporting T Levels, you directly influence and upskill your future workforce giving them the skills they need to grow your industry in the years to come.

Need financial support to offer Industry Placements?

Please click here to read the DfE guidance to the Employer T-level Support Fund:


How are industry placements different to work experience?

Work experience typically involves a student shadowing you for 1-2 weeks, having not necessarily studied a course relevant to your industry. They are mostly there to observe and experience a first taster of the world of work.

However, industry placements will be for a minimum of 315 hours (45-50 days on average), with students studying a related course meaning they will have relevant skills and knowledge that enable them, after a period of induction, to add value to your business and apply their learning to real work.

What support will be available?

Once a placement begins, BSix College will provide support to both the student and line manager throughout the whole placement.

To ensure we meet your requirements we will work with you to find the best student for your organisation. This can involve holding a CV screening and/or interview process.

All students will be studying a technical course that will support the industry placement being offered.

Do I need to pay the student?

Industry placements are about providing students with high quality, meaningful training, and work experience. Therefore, students are not entitled to a salary as the placement is forming part of a course of further education. There is no legal requirement or expectation that T Level students will be paid.

However, you can pay the student should you wish to, or support the student with their travel and subsistence costs. In the past, some employers have paid or offered free meals, travel costs or both to placement students.

Will there be lots of paperwork?

No. All health and safety, insurance and other documents will be given as templates, pre-filled where possible, to minimise your workload and the amount of paperwork required, in addition to any internal processes you will need to complete as a business. BSix College will provide full support for any College documents required.


How can I balance this with core business activities?

Students will undergo preparation by the college before coming to you. Clear responsibilities, working hours and other workplace expectations should be set out in the industry placement agreement which is agreed by you, the student and the college prior to the placement.

You should agree with your student what their goals and responsibilities are for the placement at the start and monitor their progress towards these.

Given the opportunity and some initial support, they should be able to add value.

Let’s work together

T Level industry placements through BSix College are a great way of recruiting young people cost effectively. What’s more, you’ll get the opportunity to find potential employees without advertising.

Interested in finding out more about industry placements?

Contact us at

Click here to read the government’s T-level Employer Guide


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